Lisa Jevbratt: Write a small assignment for your class mates to do on their 'island' during Saturday's outing (or afterwards). In the assignment, tell the participants what tag to use for their response on flickr.
Aviana Wells: Make a wildflower bouquet or arragenment using blooms and foliage found on your island. Attempt to compose an assemblage of blooms and foliage that best encapsulates your island - pay attention to color, texture, and movement when arranging to enhance the mood. Assemble a hand-held bouquet with ribbons, twin, tape, or whatever is accessible to you - or compose an arrangement in a vase for in-home display and longevity. Because you are choosing the materials, the arrangement will not only symbolize your island, but will also be representative of you. #islandbouquet Responses:
Cassis Brown: Take your shoes off and walk around your island a bit and connect with it! (If it's safe to do so!) There are a few benefits to "grounding" which might sound super wavy and hippy lmao but I think it'd be interesting to monitor how you feel will doing it! Even if you don't feel anything. #grounding185lj Responses:
Austin Janish: I'd love it if you looked into some of the names behind the places we frequent as part of your island. Parks, streets, cities etc... are often named after people. If you could take a picture of a sign or place that is named after someone and add a sentence or two about who that person is or was that would be great. For example, Storke tower is named after a journalist and senator who helped to found UCSB. #behindthename185lj Responses:
Soren Johnson: Take a photo of a piece of indoor furniture/decor (maybe your favorite or the most unique) AND/OR a photo of your favorite plant in your house (preferably potted) and post it on Flickr tag #insideoutside185lj I have a plan to stitch these all together and create an image using all of them. If you have the means to do this with a real camera that would be splendid but if not no worries at all. #insideoutside185lj Responses:
Yiqing Jiang: Collect some leaves and using scissor or knife to cut them. It can be any shape that you like. Then you can use glue or tape to make them to be 2D image (stick leaves on the paper, wooden boards, or other places). #leafshape185lj Responses:
Emily Komessar: Spend some time looking up at the sky to expand our sense of space. Whether that's gonna include some sweeping treelines and branches, or clouds or not, up to you and the place you're in. Maybe lie on the grass or a blanket, but you could also totally do this walking around. #lookingup185lj Responses:
Larisa Leng: Plant something, or find a plant you can propagate in your island (if it's possible.) I have planted some sugar snap pea and green onion seeds, they just sprouted! I also found some succulents that I can easily propagate around my house. Most of the succulents can be propagated by a single leaf; you can put it in some moist soil or simply soak the bottom of the leaf in water and wait for some roots to come out. Many plants in the wild can be propagated/replanted as well. I am using an app called "PictureThis" to identify the plant, then research about if it's possible to propagate or replant (the app is free for the first 7 days.) Indoors wise, if you stand some green onions roots in water, they will grow out again! Garlic, potatoes (cut in pieces) , avocado seeds, onion bottoms, pineapples tops, etc can also be easily planted. I am finding the process very comforting and therapeutic. If you can post some pictures and tag #planting185lj that'll be great. I am really enjoying watching things grow and researching about plant care while being stuck in the house, I hope you will enjoy the process too! #planting185lj Responses:
Kara Gibson: Lay and simply become aware of the sounds that are surrounding you on your island for 10-15 minutes with your eyes closed. Using this as a guided meditation allowing the sounds to make you more aware of your space in which you are isolated in. Before you start your sound scape meditation write three words describing your emotions. After your 10 - 15 minute journey come back and write three words describing how you feel. Recognize the difference in your emotions and the difference in your awareness when you are truly able to tune in and just be. #stillness185lj Responses:
Taylor Hicks: As a kid did you ever look into the clouds to see what faces/things you could see? Look to see if you can find hidden faces/creatures in the sky/trees/somewhere within your environment. #imagination186lj Responses:
Justin Weber: Spend some time (10 minutes or more?) with a creature that isn't a human or a domesticated animal, preferably something small that is usually missed . Closely observe it and think about what existence might be like for this creature. Think about how it eats, sleeps, navigates the environment, etc. Tell it about your dreams, ask if it has any secrets. Capture an image of your new friend, either with a quick sketch or digitally and share your thoughts. Wish your new friend well, carry on. #interspeciesoutreach185lj Responses:
Amanda Hackelton: Lay down or sit and look up at the sky with your eyes closed (you can do this with sunglasses). Take note of the colors and shapes that you see with your eyes closed. You've probably experienced this phenomenon before, but this activity is meant for you to intentionally notice the colors and shapes and how they change when you move your eyes/blink/etc. It sounds boring at first but eventually your eyes start to make some weird shapes and it is nice to just be still and relax. #eyecolors185lj Responses:
Riley Henningsen: Submit a photo(s) of the architecture they have found themselves stuck in, preferably a view the outside but spaces you find interesting inside work too! and some photos of the nature around your island would be great. #arch Responses:
Sofie Nebeker: Make a tiny house in your island space and photograph to make it look life size. Try to collect things from the immediate surroundings to construct the space. #fairyhouse Responses:
Lisa Jevbratt: Take a photo of a plant you do not know the name of. Post the photo to our group on flickr with the tag 'hello' Try to learn the name of the plant, and use the plant name as the title of the image. #hello Responses: