7D Science Project/Reading
For this project/reading you will work in groups of three to four. There is no separate science reading assignment, but in order to "solve" the project assignment everybody in the group has to read the readings.

The project should explore a specific scientific inquiry wich you are introduced to by attending a lecture in any science department at UCSB (see links below).

Your group will produce a project proposal not an actual project. The imagined project could be conceptual, digital, sculptural, performative, visual etc. Avoid illustrating the issues talked about in the lecture/magazine. The readings this period provides ways in which to think about how art can participate in and enrich scientific inquires.

The project proposal should include:

1. Description of the project, how it will look/function, what materials it is made out of, how it is constructed, how do the audience experience or interact with the project etc.

2. Description of the conceptual significance of the project. In the readings you find many different ways that art projects can contribute to a scientific inquiry. Describe how your project does it. Include at least one explicit reference (with quotations) per text to 3 of the following texts:
You can use these readings, which have a lot of examples of art projects, as a way to get ideas:

3. Images such as charts, illustrations, sketches, and other materials such as sound files if relevant.

4. Links to external sites about the scientific inquiry you are dealing with.

The proposal (approx. 1000 words) with images and other media files, should be turned into a web page. Link to the page from all the group members' home pages. The page will be used in the presentation you will make in front of the whole class the last lecture of the quarter.

work flow:

Before March 6:
Together with 2-3 of your classmates (the groups should consist of 3-4 people), go to a lecture in any Science department at UCSB that seems interesting to you for any reason (see links below). It is very likely that the lectures are about topics that you don't know anything about. Don't let that discourage you. Just find some way to relate to the material presented in the lecture and let it inspire you. Don't get frustrated if you don't understand what is said. Just hang on to the bits that make you think about something interesting. Take notes, start thinking of a creative way of approaching whatever catches your interest. You might choose to look through the readings before you go to the science lecture so that you can more easily imagine how to approach the subject from an artistic point of view.

Read the three+ readings your group choose to read. Discuss your idea within your group, divide up the work. Start writing description, make diagrams, sketches, models, whatever materials you need to accurately present the project idea.

UCSB Science Departments Events Websites (You might be able to find other ones):

Lifesciences: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Events Calendar (Click on "View all Calendars")
Lifesciences: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology

Bren School of Environmental Science
Earth Science
Earth Science Speakers Club

Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Astro Physics
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Center for Nano Technology in Society
California Nano Systems Institute

Chemical Engineering

Computer Science
Statistics and applied probability

Political Science
Sage Center For The Study of The Mind