7D Software Project
Due Wednesday Jan 29/Thursday Jan 30

Select one of the project ideas below. The project can be realized in any medium. Whatever medium the project is made in, it should be documented on a web page,including a description and some kind of visual documentation. Link the page from your homepage.

Code (Instruction)

Create a set of rules/instructions. Use the set of rules/instructions to generate at least three separate manifestations in one or several mediums (could be anything: drawing, sculpture, performance, webpage, painting). Or exchange your rule system with another students and use each other's rules.

Interactivity (Participation)

Make a project in which the content of the artwork is the behavior of the viewer (while engaging with the artwork). Your project should entice and enable the viewer to behave in a non-ordinary way. Or your project could make the viewer aware of their ordinary behavior.

Database (Collection/Categorization)

Make a collection of at least 15 objects of any kind (could be physical objects or virtual objects such as digital images or sounds). Create a classification system - a way of categorizing your objects - that makes the viewer think about the objects in ways they would normally not think about them. Create a way of displaying your objects according to your categorization system. (Might include making custom made shelves, scanning, making web pages etc)

Data Visualization/Sonification

Take data (not created by you) of some kind and represent it in an interesting/unusual/unexpected way. The representation could be in the form of imagery, sculptures, performance, sound etc. You can find data on all kinds of statistics, weather, sports, stocks, etc. on the web. Here are some sites with data:
US Government data sets about all kinds of things. (Another interface)
USGS Earthquake Data